On a busy morning, there aren’t many spare minutes for food prep…
and nutrition is likely to be the last thing on your mind, whilst you juggle last minute requests for clean socks, dinner money etc
Stock Up
Set aside time, instead, one evening, to write a good old fashioned shopping list, so you can head to the shops ready and prepared to stock up on easy win foods for breakfast. Here’s a few suggestions.
Greek yoghurt
Smoked salmon
Nuts (unsalted)
Seeds e.g chia
Clean protein powder e.g Nu Zest
Granola e.g Bio Me
Frozen berries
Almond butter
Toss the toast aside
Grab a few minutes for yourself one morning and put together a breakfast focused on protein not carbs, such as the tasty 3 minute Breakfast Pot in the picture, which includes fibre too.
Take it a step further and add some green leaves to the side e.g spinach/rocket for extra magnesium and blood sugar balancing magic.
Protein Wins
In exchange, you’ll benefit in the following ways:
Healthy weight support
Improved blood sugar balance
Feel fuller for longer
Reduced cravings
Less bloating
Here's the recipe:
300g Greek yoghurt
Handful of blueberries
2 tsp honey
2 tbsp of almond butter
5 tbsp of Bio Me granola
Add the yogurt to a small pot and mix in 1 tsp of honey and 8 blueberries
Add a layer of almond butter
Sprinkle with granola
Top with the remaining blueberries and honey