Women's Health
We Can't Escape Our Hormones.
When things aren't right, hormones can make you feel like your world’s being turned upside down and you've been spat out.
They surprisingly impact on many areas of our health, from bloating around the menstrual cycle, brain fog in the menopause and mood swings during the teenage years.
Their effect even extends out to your immune system causing an increase in allergy type symptoms and autoimmunity around perimenopause and menopause and the reverse picture during pregnancy. So hormones have to be considered as part of the 'whole picture', even if your symptoms don't appear to be hormone based.
Gut Health Is Fundamental
Good gut health is one of the foundations for long term health and I'll assess your digestion to make sure you are digesting and absorbing the food you eat effectively, at the start of your first consultation.
Food and Lifestyle
Implementing strategies around natural foods and lifestyle have proven to be truly transformational for many women. By working on the two simultaneously, you'll most certainly enjoy more dramatic improvements - as a result, my protocols include recommendations for movement and stress management (where appropriate) alongside key dietary changes.
Lifestage Requirements
Your life stage e.g. the menopause or teenage years will be considered and discussed with you to ensure your unique health and nutrient needs are safely met, which you might not have initially considered as a priority.
Working together, I can help you get back on an even keel, to transform your energy levels and to turn around your symptoms.

From childhood, into adulthood, the menopause and your later years,
nutritional therapy can help you to revitalise your health.

Teenage Nutrition
Having happy and healthy children is the goal for every family, but as a mum myself, I'm fully aware that getting teenagers to eat well can be a challenge.
I work with families to help their children feel at their best and grow up to be healthy adults.
I can support with a range of teenage health and learning needs including: ADHD, acne, allergies, asthma, digestion, eczema, low immunity, rhinitis and poor sleep.
Functional tests can be advised on as well as carefully chosen supplements and to help you get your child on board, the focus will be on delicious recipes that are quick to rustle up.
I offer online consultations or a face to face clinic to suit you and your child's needs.

Family Nutrition
As a mum of three, family nutrition is a key part of my tool kit for helping women prioritise their nutrition, whilst also considering their family's needs.
I can provide practical information such as shopping lists, time saving tips and recipes to help you incorporate food and lifestyle changes into your daily routine, in a realistic and practical way.
Balanced You Nutrition
Phone: 07842150751
Email: karen@balancedyounutrition.com
web: balancedyounutrition.com